Presentations and Lectures
A list of some research presentations and guest lectures I have given. Please feel free to email me for presentation slides.
Conference and Workshop Presentations
- presentation at COM.Geo 2010, Washington DC, June 2010
- presentation at Third International Conference on e-Social Science, Ann Arbor, Michigan, October 2007
- presentation at Usability in e-Science Workshop, Edinburgh, Scotland, 26 January 2006
- presentation at Coordinated & Multiple Views in Exploratory Visualization 2005, London, UK, July 5, 2005
- presentation at Participatory Design Conference 2004, Toronto, Canada
- presentation at ACM symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST 2003), Vancouver, Canada
- presentation at CHI 2002 Doctoral Consortium on Supporting the Collaborative Meeting Place
- presentation at Workshop on Evaluation Methodologies for Ubiquitous Computing at Ubicomp 2001
Other Presentations
- presentation on "Research in Collaboration and Learning" at IST CAI Event on Technology in the Classroom, August 1, 2005
Spring 2005, Penn State- lecture on Emerging User Interface Paradigms (IST 413)
- lecture on Ubiquitous Computing (IST 331)
Fall 2004, Penn State
- lecture on Common Ground (IST 597D)
Spring 1999, Virginia Tech
- lecture on HCI Theory-Based Design Methods for graduate course in Models and Theories of HCI (CS5724)
- lecture on Style in Design for undergraduate course in Design of Information (CS4984)