Making Use of Scenarios for Achieving Effective Use in Community Computing Contexts

TitleMaking Use of Scenarios for Achieving Effective Use in Community Computing Contexts
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2007
AuthorsLee, R., Ganoe C. H., Schafer W. A., Merkel C. B., Carroll J. M., & Rosson M B.
JournalThe Journal of Community Informatics
KeywordsEffective Use, Participatory Design, Scenarios

The concept of effective use is gaining currency as a way of thinking about usability in community informatics. Broadly defined, effective use is the opportunity and capacity of a community group to leverage information communications technologies (ICTs) in order to achieve their goals. Although effective use is a worthy goal, a process for achieving effective use is not clearly defined. This paper combines the concept of scenarios from human-computer interaction (HCI) and participatory design (PD) in order to identify a design process to enhance participation and technological decision making in community information systems design projects. Our process for achieving effective use focuses first on the efficacy of scenarios as a tool to encourage and support participatory design, and second as an anchoring and adjustment heuristic. This study concludes with future research on effective use in community informatics.