MOOsburg: multi-user domain support for a community network

TitleMOOsburg: multi-user domain support for a community network
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2001
AuthorsCarroll, J. M., Rosson M B., Isenhour P. L., Van Metre C., Schafer W. A., & Ganoe C. H.
JournalInternet Research
Pagination65 - 73
Date Published2001

MOOsburg is a community-oriented multi-user domain. It was created to enrich the Blacksburg Electronic Village by providing real-time, situated, interaction, and a place-based information model for community information. We are experimenting with an implementation fundamentally different from classic multi-user domains object-oriented (MOOs), supporting distributed system development and management, and a direct manipulation approach to navigation. To guide the development of MOOsburg, we are focusing on a set of community-oriented applications, including a virtual science fair.

Short TitleInternet Research