Understanding Urgency in Radiology Reporting: Identifying Associations Between Clinical Findings in Radiology Reports and Their Prompt Communication to Referring Physicians

TitleUnderstanding Urgency in Radiology Reporting: Identifying Associations Between Clinical Findings in Radiology Reports and Their Prompt Communication to Referring Physicians
Publication TypeConference Paper
AuthorsMeng, X., Heinz M. V., Ganoe C. H., Sieberg R. T., Cheung Y. Y., & Hassanpour S.
Conference NameMEDINFO 2019: Health and Wellbeing e-Networks for All
Pagination1546 - 1547
Date Published08/2019
Conference LocationLyon, France
communication, Comprehension, Natural language processing, Radiography, radiology, Radiology Information Systems

In this study, we aim to develop an automatic pipeline to identify clinical findings in the unstructured text of radiology reports that necessitate communications between radiologists and referring physicians. Our approach identified 20 distinct clinical concepts and highlighted statistically significant concepts with strong associations to cases that require prompt communication.
